air Quality in yerevan
Here you can find real time air quality data from the publicly available sensors in Yerevan.
Photo: Stepanavan, Armenia by Mushegh Hakobyan
Yerevan outdoor air quality sensors
Yerevan outdoor air quality sensors
2nd district - Tumo Center
2nd district - Tumo Center
Arabkir - Komitas
Arabkir - Komitas
Siraharneri aygi - Lovers' Park
Siraharneri aygi - Lovers' Park
Go to to see the past air quality in Yerevan and learn why people should work on improving it.
Go to to see the past air quality in Yerevan and learn why people should work on improving it.
More sensors = better informed decisions
More sensors = better informed decisions
More sensors will let us make better informed decisions
As you can see, there are not many air quality sensors in Yerevan. More precisely, there were only 2 sensors reporting data publicly as of May 2021. Our goal is to install 4 to 8 sensors reporting data publicly. We want anyone interested in air quality in different parts of Yerevan to be able to check it in real-time and obtain rich historical data by visiting our website,, and other public air quality sources. Our goal is to make this all a reality by the end of 2021.